Welcome to the Junior Curriculum information page!
Planning future pathways is an exciting phase of the education journey for our students. The Junior Curriculum Handbook contains valuable information about the range of options available for junior students at Toogoolawah SHS.
Download this Handbook here:
2024 Junior Curriculum Handbookv2.docx
Our school aims to provide relevant and engaging learning pathways for all students, whilst maintaining a strong focus on academic achievement leading to tertiary entrance or the workplace. The school prides itself on having high expectations in terms of student behaviour and learning achievement.
We recognise that our students are preparing for varied and ever changing futures by providing a breadth of offerings across Maths, English, Science, Health and Physical Education, Technology and The Arts. Toogoolawah SHS values respectful, open and supportive relationships between teachers, students and caregivers.
Along with these skills is a need to commit to achieving to the very best that you can do. Excellence in performance and a positive attitude towards yourself, your work, your community and your school will give you the skills and abilities to meet the complex demands that you will meet.
Please work through this document with your parent/guardian, to help you in understanding the choices available to you. Please ask for any advice you or they need, and encourage them to contact teachers for further information on the subjects listed in this handbook.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.