Welcome to the Senior Pathways Information page!
Planning future pathways is an exciting phase of the education journey for our students. The Senior Seconday Pathways Handbook contains valuable information about the range of options available for senior students at Toogoolawah SHS.
Our School’s Senior Secondary Curriculum seeks to provide a range of pathways and experiences, which contribute to knowledge, skills, problem solving and interpersonal development. The School firmly believes that the successful completion of Year 12 is achieved when students are awarded the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
The QCE is only awarded to students who are successful in gaining the required level of achievement and the required amount of learning. Successful achievement of 20 credit points is necessary to be eligible for a QCE.
There is clear evidence that young people who successfully complete Year 12 or Certificate Level III Training are successful in gaining employment, gaining entry to future training pathways, enjoy generally better health outcomes in their lives and have shorter and fewer periods of unemployment.
We look forward to working with you to achieve our School’s goal to help you build a foundation for a successful and productive future.
Year 10 - 11 Transition Program
Resources to support student wellbeing
Exam Stress
ReachOut.com Articles
Resources for school leavers
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please
contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.